Wedding Photographer Highbury Hall

November 24, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Here's a few of my favourite Wedding Photographs taken at Highbury Hall in Birmingham

Here's a few of my favourite Highbury Hall Wedding Photographs. Also follow the link to view them on my website:

Here's a few recent wedding photographs taken at Highbury Hall in moseley BirminghamNicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd Highbury hall photographers Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd Highbury hall wedding photos Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd Wedding Photographer Birmingham Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd Highburyhall photos photographer birmingham wedding photographer birmingham Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd wedding photos atHighbury hall photos weddingphotographerbirmingham weddings at Highbury hall photos Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd, Nicola Gotts Photography Ltd


Congratulations to Sasandco Hairandbeauty with the Loreal Colour Trophy Awards

November 14, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


Wedding Photographer Birmingham, Nicola Gotts Photography LtdWedding Photographer Birmingham, Nicola Gotts Photography LtdWedding Photographer Birmingham, Nicola Gotts Photography LtdPHOTOGRAPHY BY NICOLA GOTTS PHOTOGRAPHY (above)



About the Loreal Colour Trophy Awards:

  • 2012 Grand Final Venue + Winners
  • 2011 Poster
  • 2011 Show stage
  • 2010 poster
  • 2008 Mens Image HJ
  • 2008 Catwalk
  • 2005 HJ
  • 2000 Colour Trophy Winner
  • 1992 Colour Trophy
  • 1986 Colour Trophy Poster
  • 1980 25th Anniversary
  • 1966 Colour Trophy Poster History
  • 1960s Colour Trophy History
  • First Colour Trophy Report History Page


From the Colour Cup to Colour Trophy
Today, it remains the most prominent hairdresser's competition in Britain.  In 1956, the L'Oréal Professionnel Colour Trophy held its first event. In the early days of L’Oréal Colour Trophy, the competitions main prize was called the ‘Gold Cup’ and the ‘Colour Cup’ was an additional prize within the competition. The potential of the Colour Cup quickly capturedhairdressers’ imaginations and this prize was evolved to today’s L’Oréal Colour Trophy.
In the early 50s and 60s the colour market was limited and the competition’s main objective was to promote professional hair colour. Before long the competition and market was growing. After London’s first Grand Final winner, Dawn Gloria Heaven, it became apparent that there was a wider potential for regional competitions. Cyril Ashley, Colour Trophy’sorganiser was keen to get all parts of the UK involved and by the 1960s there were hairdressers competing from up to 14 regional locations each with the ambition to gain a place in the London Grand Final.Time for a Change
In the early days, Grand Finalists had to show up at the event with their models fully prepared and the main show consisted of 20 well-known hairdressers preparing models on stage to up to 8000 people.
On a mission to make it more exciting than ever, in 1989 it was decided it was time for a change! With decisions made from the most influential hairdressers in the industry the Grand Final format was improved and aimed to make the competition have more commercial appeal to enhance the success for entrants. 
 Changing the way in which entrants could apply was the introduction of the Photographic entry form; increasing the competition and setting the standards high to win a place at the regional finals. The Grand Final was moved to a more intimate setting of the Grosvenor House; with an exclusive sit-down dinner format and more theatrical shows were added tomaximise entertainment and enjoyment of the shows. The introduction of celebrity presenters added not only more commercial appeal but gave the event a more iconic presence hosting a number of popular presenters including: Davina McCall, Cat Deeley, Joanna Lumley, Martin Kemp, Vernon Kay, Graham Norton, George Lamb, Sara Cox and Rick Edwards. Towards the millennium it was clear of a focus that the hairdressing industry was changing, the L'Oréal Colour Trophy was extended to create three additional awards focusing on ‘Hair Inspired by Fashion; L’Oréal Men’s Image Award, Young Colourist Award and The Mizani Afro Award.


Each year an exciting fashion show designer showcases a unique selection of their latest collection exclusively for the L’Oréal Colour Trophy Regional finals. But whatever the changes today it is still well and truly regarded as the ‘Vogue’ of hairdressing award ceremonies – fashionable, aspirational and premium with a unique format.






Wedding Photographer Birmingham

November 14, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Congratulations to St. Mary's Hospice on the opening of their 12th Charity shop, this one is on Harborne High Street (at the Green Man end) so call in a pick up a quality bargain! birminghamphotographer

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